Child support is the financial payments made by one parent to the other, to assist with the expenses of a child under the age of 18 years old. The law places an obligation on parents to support their children financially post separation, regardless of who the child lives with. Most children in Australia are covered by the Child Support Scheme, managed by the Department of Human Services (Child Support). Its role is to assist separated parents in transferring payments for the benefit of their children.
Child support obligations are typically calculated according to an administrative formula that takes into account each parent’s income, the number of dependent children and the cost of children’s’ care arrangements. If you feel that the formula has not reflected the special circumstances of your case, you may apply to DHS for a change of assessment.
Alternatively, parties may decide to enter into private agreements to make arrangements for the support of their children. These agreements usually deal with payments in relation to private school fees, medical expenses and extra-curricular activities. At Brendan Rothschild Legal Group we can advise you about arrangements appropriate to your circumstances and formalise those arrangements through a Binding Child Support Agreement.
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