In Australia there are two ways to end a relationship in a financial sense.
These two ways of ending a relationship in a financial sense and no longer
having entitlements to each other’s assets and liabilities are either by
entering into a contract (Binding Financial Agreement) or by court orders.
In Australia, when you enter into a relationship and
that relationship extends for longer than approximately 5 years, each
party has an entitlement to each other’s assets and liabilities until at least
2 years after their separation date (in circumstances in de facto
relationship), or 1 year after divorce (in circumstances of divorce).
In some circumstances you are allowed to make a claim on your ex-
partner/ spouses assets/liabilities provided that there is an appropriate
excuse for not making an application earlier, as per S 44(6) of the
Family Law Act 1975.

To arrange an obligation free and free 30-minute consultation, please contact our office on:
(03) 9005 8284
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